Orbiting Is the New Dating Nightmare
Beware of the new online scare — Orbiting.
I recently learned of this new dating trend that’s haunting people on social media. It’s a new tactic that abusers and manipulators use on their victims.
I might have exaggerated a little bit. However, orbiting is as bad as it sounds, and dating enthusiasts should be wary of it. It isn’t something that can physically harm you, but it can have lasting effects on your emotional health.
What is Orbiting?
Orbiting is a new technique used by manipulators to mess with your daily routine. They will subtly interact with you on social media. The goal is to make you aware of their presence and to acknowledge that presence.
This person might be someone you dated for a while, but it didn’t work out, or they might be one of your exes from a relationship that ended a while back. In any case, you got involved with them, and they can’t seem to let things go.
What happens next is either they will message you first, or you will message them. Once the messaging starts, manipulators will use all of their methods to get you in bed. After that, they won’t message you but will still interact with your social media.
It’s like how the moon revolves around Earth, present but not all the time — thus the term orbiting.
How Can I Spot It?
Orbiting is easy to spot. You will see their names pop up on your notifications and be shocked by their audacity. However, since you don’t want the drama, you end up brushing it off.
Then, another notification appears, and you eventually give in.
Their manipulative actions start with small bursts; a heart reaction over here, another like over there. What’s more, it won’t just be on one social media platform.
They might interact with you on your other social media, from Instagram to Twitter. Keep an eye on the patterns that give them away.
What to do When it Happens?
The best thing you can do is to block the manipulator immediately. You might think that maybe they’re still interested in you, or they want to get back together — they don’t.
Do not fall for this trick. The manipulator does not want to build a lasting relationship with you. All they want is someone to have fun with because they’re bored or they haven’t found someone else yet.
However, if they were genuinely nice people that you trust, simply confront them. Communicate with them if what they’re doing is making you uncomfortable. If they understand, they’ll stop.
Don’t Panic
Please do remember that not everyone is orbiting or using this new dating nightmare. They might stick around because they genuinely appreciate your posts. You can tell the difference because genuine people will support you.
Manipulators will try to hide their intentions by dodging questions or avoiding the subject. Just remember to notice the patterns and block them if you feel uncomfortable. Avoid the potential drama and stress. Stay safe and happy dating!