Love like a River, Not a Lake
My friend once told me to love like a river, not a lake. I won’t lie that it didn’t make sense to me at first. However, once my friend explained it by presenting the parts of the river, I knew I was loving people the wrong way.
She was an experienced relationship counselor way before I was. In the many years of counseling hundreds of couples, she found the best analogy for relationships. Now, every time someone asks for her advice, she tells everyone about the river and lake.
She explained that a river seems simple, but plenty of things are happening all at once to make it exist. Much like relationships, it might seem simple to see couples being happy. Yet, we fail to realize the many things happening to get to that point.
Love is not a lake that allows anyone to get in and out. It’s not something stagnant that never grows and only depletes. Become a powerful love that flows and constantly changes for the better.
It Has a Natural Source
Love will always start naturally. You can’t force someone to love you, nor can you force yourself to love someone. A forced relationship will only suffocate both of you and will breed toxicity.
So find someone who you are compatible with — someone with good chemistry. Allow your love to come naturally. The right partner will reciprocate the same amount of love you’re giving.
Rivers Must Flow
Relationships and rivers are the same — they must constantly flow. You can’t allow your relationship to be stagnant and let problems fester. What is the point of being a couple if you end up ignoring each other?
A relationship must go through changes, and you must adapt to them. There will be times when it is slow. You wake up, make small talk, go through your day, and arrive home to sleep.
There will also be times when it roars to life as you go on an adventure. You and your partner might be trying something new or enjoying one of the many parts of life. In either case, experiencing both the slow and exciting times is what makes a relationship.
It will all depend on how you choose to let the river flow. Will it come to a stop and turn into a lake? Or will it continue flowing through twists and turns and even dams until it reaches the sea?
Waterfalls Happen
Rivers can form small or big waterfalls. Relationships can also form small or big opportunities and problems. The water that flows from the river will always take the leap of faith, but the real question is — will you?
Couples are bound to run into problems or risky opportunities. Relationships are defined by how you work through those together. Will it stop you dead in your tracks and force you to end things? Or will you jump and grow together as partners in life and love?
Start at the Peak
Rivers come from streams that start on mountaintops. They come from the peak and flow down naturally into the sea. Relationships are no different because you must start at the highest point before you can love someone.
You can’t give the love that you don’t have for yourself. Start by improving yourself and growing as a person. Once you’re at the peak, the right person will arrive, and you can start your journey in the river of love.
River or Lake?
Loving another person will never be easy. Having a relationship is even harder. In the end, it will be for you to decide how you will handle it. Will you love like a river? Or will you love like a lake?